Sexual Intelligence & Embodied Mastery

Cultivate, harness & master your sexual energy so you can use it with integrity to take your sex and life to the next level.

Sexual Intelligence & Embodied Mastery

Cultivate, harness & master your sexual energy so you can use it with integrity to take your sex and life to the next level.

There is a global wave of men learning to master their sexual energy...


My work is dedicated to those listening to that call.

Welcome to my home. 

Have some tea. 

Make yourself comfortable and I’ll show you around. 

I’ve built this home around a vision...

A vision of a world where


Men and women support each other to heal and grow, side by side. 

Call each other into our truth & power.

Into the most natural and evolved versions of ourselves. 


With respect. 

With honor. 

With understanding. 


Acknowledging, respecting, and valuing each others strengths. 

Each other’s gifts.

Each others way of being. 


To exalt one another. 


A world where we all rise together in mutual RESPECT and SUPPORT.


This home is a tribute to this vision.

I'll show you around...

This is a private room where you get to learn the depths of your sexuality. From here, you can tune into the weekly high-caliber remote meetings. 

Sexual Self Mastery

A 12 week intensive for men on Erotic Artistry & Embodied Technique happens here.

 The mood has been set. Let me know if you need anything and I'll have it sent right in. 

Welcome to the deepest, most luxurious, most confronting bath house you've ever set foot in.

This is where we hold

The Art of Dating

Here you can bathe in the vision of your relationship and sexual desires. We'll then do a deep scrub treatment for all the bits that aren't supporting you. Then we'll polish you up from the inside out and dress you in the finest linens to go back out there and woo the world.

Let me show you to the man cave. This is where you do your self study. This is where you get

Loving on the Edge

The blinds are drawn, there are plenty of bottles of lube, and no one will ask you questions or shame you for what happens in the man cave. 

This is your place to be in privacy. To explore yourself & master your sexual energy from a place of your deepest integrity and awareness. 

Here we have the women's study where we meet to support each other in living in alignment with our roles on this planet. 

Exalt: Mastermind

a mastermind for women who work with men, happens here. 

This is our space to brainstorm, mind-map, and get creative and precise in how we support men.

Up these stairs leads to the salon where a secret society of women meets to experience the richness of this room.

Sovereign In Love

takes place in the salon.

Your senses will be stimulated.

Elixirs will be served.

The lighting is just right. 

Fingerprints will be scanned before entering. 

Welcome to the kitchen.

What would you like to taste?

Here you'll find my

Free Offerings

Go ahead and have a try and see what you like.

From there you can decide which room you want to explore more deeply. 

I'll show you around...

This is a private room where you get to learn the depths of your sexuality. From here, you can tune into the weekly high-caliber remote meetings. 

Sexual Self Mastery

A 12 week intensive for men on Erotic Artistry & Embodied Technique happens here.

 The mood has been set. Let me know if you need anything and I'll have it sent right in. 

Welcome to the deepest, most luxurious, most confronting bath house you've ever set foot in.

This is where we hold

The Art of Dating

Here you can bathe in the vision of your relationship and sexual desires. We'll then do a deep scrub treatment for all the bits that aren't supporting you. Then we'll polish you up from the inside out and dress you in the finest linens to go back out there and woo the world.

The Man Cave

Let me show you to the man cave. This is where you do your self study. This is where you get

Loving on the Edge

The blinds are drawn, there are plenty of bottles of lube, and no one will ask you questions or shame you for what happens in the man cave. 

This is your place to be in privacy. To explore yourself & master your sexual energy from a place of your deepest integrity and awareness. 

Here we have the women's study where we meet to support each other in living in alignment with our roles on this planet. 

Exalt: Mastermind

a mastermind for women who work with men, happens here. 

This is our space to brainstorm, mind-map, and get creative and precise in how we support men.

Up these stairs leads to the salon where a secret society of women meets to experience the richness of this room.

Sovereign In Love

takes place in the salon.

Your senses will be stimulated.

Elixirs will be served.

The lighting is just right. 

Fingerprints will be scanned before entering. 

The Kitchen

Welcome to the kitchen.

What would you like to taste?

Here you'll find my

Free Offerings

Go ahead and have a try and see what you like.

From there you can decide which room you want to explore more deeply. 

How to know you're
in the right place...

YouĀ wantĀ to take responsibility for your own sexual energy.

You want toĀ learn how to harness your turn-on so you can use it with deeply grounded awarenessĀ and turn yourself and others on just by existing.

Get Instant Access to the free Pelvic Floor Training

I'm Fabienne

Iā€™ve alwaysĀ believed inĀ the power of creating our own natural magnetism.

As a certified Sex & Relationship Coach and a woman,Ā I use my understanding ofĀ ancient practices, modernĀ psychological integrationĀ techniques and relational patterns to empower others to master their own energy and magnetize and create the types of relationships that they want.

I am here to help you use your energy with integrity.Ā 

I am here to help you have better, more connected, more profound sex & the potent life that comes with that.

I am here to support you in your relationships. Because when there's harmony there, all else falls into place.Ā 

Read my story ā˛¯

I Am Fabienne

Iā€™ve always believed in...

As a certified Sex & Relationship Coach,Ā I use my understanding ofĀ ancient practices, modernĀ psychological integration techniques and relational patterns to empower others to master their own energy.

I am here to help you use your energy with integrity.Ā 

I am here to help you have better, more connected, more profound sex & the potent life that comes with that.

I am here to support you in your relationships. Because when there's harmony there, all else falls into place.Ā 

Read my story ā˛¯

You Are...

AĀ man of integrity...Ā and you're holding a lot.

A job, maybe a relationship and a family. There's just this one area that needs a little more attention. Sex.

You want to beĀ the best lover possible. You want toĀ harness your sexual energy so it doesn't control you.

You understand that your relationship to sex influences everything in your lifeĀ and you're ready to take things into your own hands.Ā 

YouĀ are ready to commit yourself to a practice and hold yourself accountable to making shifts in your mindset and actions in the direction of a more integrated, pleasurable, and connected life.Ā 

Learn More About 1:1 Coaching ā˛¯

You Are...

A man of integrity... and you're holding a lot.

A job, maybe a relationship and a family. There's just this one area that needs a little more attention. Sex.

You want to be the best lover possible. You want to harness your sexual energy so it doesn't control you.

You understand that your relationship to sex influences everything in your life and you're ready to take things into your own hands. 

You are ready to commit yourself to a practice and hold yourself accountable to making shifts in your mindset and actions in the direction of a more integrated, pleasurable, and connected life. 

Learn More About 1:1 Coaching ā˛¯

"After a couple of months of practicing with these tools, I see myself connecting again with myself & also being able to connect with others naturally. Fabienne will dig with you deep & provide you with the tools you need."


"After very few sessions, Fabienne was able to dig deep with me & start working on my core issue. She provided me with tools & exercises that I followed & I was amazed by the results."

See What Others Are Saying ā˛¯

"After a couple of months of practicing with these tools, I see myself connecting again with myself & also being able to connect with others naturally. Fabienne will dig with you deep & provide you with the tools you need."


"After very few sessions, Fabienne was able to dig deep with me & start working on my core issue. She provided me with tools & exercises that I followed & I was amazed by the results."


Take the Next Step...  

My highest joy is creating the framework for you to be able to explore and reveal your deepest, most authentic self through energetic and physical sexual expression. 

1:1 Coaching

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Programs for Men

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Programs for Women

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"I experience my sexuality in deeper and more meaningful ways that have drawn me closer to my sense of self than ever before."

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