Step into your confidence as a coach and develop your ability to support men in a way that feels honest, embodied, and powerful.
A 3 month mastermind/mentorship for women who work with men.Â
Starts April 15th
ex·alt/ verb
1: to hold (someone or something) in very high regard or in reverence; think or speak very highly of.
2: to dignify, elevate, raise.

Welcome to the Exaltation Study where we will meet for the duration of the mastermind. This is an imaginary space I created using AI that encapsulates the energy of our journey together. Welcome in.

Listen to this playlist to get into the vibe behind the program.

As a female coach, you have a unique opportunity to offer men a different perspective, a different kind of safety, and a space to open up and receive support.
But working with men can come with its own set of challenges. This online mastermind program is specifically for women who want to coach men in sexuality, intimacy, and self-growth and who feel like they need a bit more guidance in order to fully step into this path.
Can you feel the transformation happening all around us?
We are witnessing a massive shift on this planet, where women are rising into our power, reclaiming our sexuality, and supporting each other in our growth and healing.
But this rise of women is calling for something more.
It's calling for the rise of men, for their growth, for their healing, and for their ability to navigate the complex landscape of intimacy and sexuality.
This work is already happening in beautiful ways- we see men’s groups, mentors and communities dedicated to supporting men in this way. These spaces tend to be primarily led by men, for men, which is a massively important dynamic. We need men to be supporting each other in this.
But we also need to support each other.
As female coaches, we have the power to be part of this transformation, to create safe spaces for men to open up, to offer guidance and wisdom that comes from our embodied experience.
We can guide men into deeper understandings of themselves and of their relationships to women and support them in their journeys of self-growth.
It's time to step up and own our role in this movement.
We have the capacity to create a world where men and women can come together in a harmonious, loving, and respectful way. Where we can support each other in our journeys towards healing and wholeness.
And don't forget.... For thousands of years, in multitudes of lineages, the women guided the men in sexual and esoteric wisdom, the great mysteries and emotional and energetic intelligence...
Through this three-month mastermind program, we will work together to develop your ability to work with men in a way that feels honest, embodied, empowering and safe.
We will explore the energetics of being a woman working with men, the practices that will support men in their journeys of self-growth and sexuality, and how to maintain healthy boundaries and clarity.
We will heal our own wounds around the masculine so that we can support men from a clear and integrated space.
And we will learn how to speak to men, in session, in groups, and in marketing, so that we can share our gifts and create a powerful impact.
Together, we can be part of a global movement towards a more conscious, loving, and awakened society.
Are you ready?
Let's rise together and create a world where men and women can thrive in their power, authenticity, and wholeness.

In this mastermind, we'll explore:
- The energetics of being a woman working with men
- Practices that will support men in their journeys in sexuality and/or self-growth
- The most common struggles in men's lives in our society
- How to maintain healthy boundaries and clarity
- Healing your own wounding around the masculine so you can support men from an integrated and clear space
- How to speak to men- in session, in groups, and in marketing
- How to grow and advance your business & projects
By the end of these three months you’ll feel confident in your ability to work with men. You’ll feel clear in the energetics and practicalities of your coaching.
Working with men can bring up its own challenges and questions.
•What do I have to offer men?
•How can I support them if I’m not a man?
•Will they listen to me? Will they value me?
•How do I find my confidence? My voice?
•What if they are attracted to me? How do I keep my own boundaries?
•What if I get triggered into my own wounding around men?
•What kind of languaging do I use with them?
•How do I help them feel when they’re stuck?
I've been working with men for over four years, and I've faced many of these challenges and questions.
I’ve gathered my experiences, the patterns I've notices, and the lessons I’ve learned and created this program to help you help them.
"Fabienne has this way of being able to see the best part of any man, and being able to speak directly to it. Men not only feel truly seen in her presence; they also see themselves for the first time."
Over the course of three months, you'll have access to:Â
♡ 12 Live coaching and Q&A sessions with me and your fellow mastermind participants.
♡ Three 1:1 coaching calls with me to dive into your individualized experience and look at what's working and what you can do to clarify and strengthen your way of coaching.
♡ Guided Practices to help you embody the tools that you'll be sharing with men.
♡ Rituals to help you come to your coaching practice in a grounded and clear way.
♡ Energy work and guided sessions to explore your own blocks, fears, and greatest gifts.
♡ Male guest speakers to share wisdom on men's work.
This mastermind isn't just a bunch of information without embodiment.
This container is designed to be an active support system as you develop your practice of working with men and we work in real time with whatever is alive for you.
I’m here to offer personalized mentorship and guidance.
To dive into your individualized experience and look at what’s working and what you can do to clarify and strengthen your way of working with men.
By offering men a different kind of support, we're contributing to the transformation of our society as a whole.
Join me in this powerful journey of self-discovery and transformation, and let's create a new paradigm of coaching that supports men and women in their journeys towards greater intimacy, sexuality, and self-growth, TOGETHER.
This is for you if...
•You are wanting to begin working with men.
•You're already working with men and could use some more support and confidence.
•You have some level of training for experience in coaching, therapy, or space holding.
•You have clients or are ready to take on clients during the mastermind.
"I feel super inspired and connected to the work of men’s healing after taking Exalt. The wisdom that Fabienne embodies and the practices she taught were immediately effective in my coaching and teaching."
-Andrea Bertoli, Pleasure Coach & Sex Educator
I'm so curious!
Sign up to get updates and info about Exalt and other content for women working with me
What men say about working with me...
"The community of gentle humans that Fabienne brought together for this program inspired a unique sense of responsibility in me that I rarely feel otherwise. I was able to harness this, show up for myself, and observe real transformation."
"This course has opened the door to demystifying the cloudiness I often associated with understanding the shadow sides to my sexuality. I’ve spent years somewhat confused about my feelings, urges, or emotions around self pleasure, as well as my desires in relation to partners and myself. Working with you has helped me begin to reshape my relationship to all these feelings and provided me with tools to continue to do so after the it has ended."
"I have joined a number of programs before meeting Fabienne. With every program I see that learned a bit without really solving my core issue. When i started working with Fabienne I was at a difficult phase in my life, where I was lost within myself, finding it hard to connect with myself & women around me. After very few sessions, Fabienne was able to dig deep with me & start working on my core issue, she provided me with tools & exercises that I followed & I was amazed by the results."
"I used to give into my desires of self pleasure and watching porn easily without thinking twice about its effects on the rest of my life. Since doing this course I’ve improved my relationship to these habits, and it’s ultimately given me more power in myself to tackle something that was before in control of me."

I'm Fabienne
I'm a mentor and facilitator of shadow work, sexuality integration, and inner intimacy.
My work and my life are not separate but rather are mirrors of one another. My work is reflected in my connections, relationships, and inner world. I teach only that which I've experienced, experimented with, or witnessed directly. Integrity is of utmost importance to me and my style of work reflects this directly.
I've been working as a men's sexuality coach for over four years and my dedication to men in a healthy and grounded way is the backbone to my work.
I am here to offer tools, insight, and wisdom from my own experiences and to support you in doing your work from your authentic center and flavor. I'm here to support you with all my respect, appreciation, and love.
Guest Teachers
Each month one of these incredible men will join us to share some wisdom from the perspective of men who work with men.

Mos Jef
will teach about shadow integration and EFT, how to guide men into deep transformation, and what's different about working with men's shadows.

Nathaniel Solace
will share wisdom from his own course, Masterful Man, and will talk about the crunchy business bits like creating a funnel that speaks to men and how to filter for good leads.

Ori Dahan
will speak about his experience with men's work, how we can best hold men, as women (from a man's perspective,) and will share his wisdom on sacred sexuality.
If I'm not a coach yet can I join this mastermind?
How much time do I need to dedicate to this program?
Is there a payment plan?
How is this different from the VITA Men's Sexuality Major?
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